Florida is a state that is particularly prone to flooding. From hurricanes to tropical storms, heavy rainfalls, and rising sea levels, the state is constantly at risk of water damage and flooding. That’s why it is important for Florida residents to understand the importance of flood insurance and how...
Are you a Florida homeowner worried about the damage floods could cause to your property? If so, you need The Insurance Guy for flood insurance in Florida. Here are some reasons why you should choose The Insurance Guy for your flood insurance needs: Comprehensive Coverage The Insurance Guy’s...
The risk of flooding in Miami is real, and it’s important that homeowners in the area take steps to protect their properties from the potential damages of flooding. This guide will provide an overview of flood insurance in Miami, including what it covers and how to go about getting...
Adverse weather is something all Floridians must endure. We have tremendous amounts of rain and are frequently threatened by hurricanes. These events can cause significant flooding to your home. Most people assume that their homeowners insurance will cover everything. This is not true and you must purchase flood insurance...
Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the US. It’s not just the residents of high-risk areas who are at risk from floods. You might be surprised to know that a quarter of flood insurance claims come from areas that are designated as moderate-to-low-risk flood zones. Therefore, it...
Floods are not a rare occurrence in Florida. As a matter of fact, the risk of flooding in the state is only going up every year. Miami, being one of the top cities of the state, isn’t spared by such damages. So, if you haven’t bought flood insurance yet,...
You need flood insurance in Florida, even when it is not mandatory as per the state laws. After all, the entire state is at flood risk in varying capacities. But how do you the best of flood companies in Florida? What are the factors that can determine the best...
Don’t be surprised if you see your premium for flood insurance in Miami Dade County increase next year substantially. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is all set to launch Risk Rating 2.0 by April 2022. The latest policy change seeks to take the financial burden off those with low-value...
Whether you believe it or not, every household in Miami FL is indeed at some degree of flood risk. This is further proven by the fact that as much as 20% of the claims that NFIP received last year were filed by people who don’t live in high-risk flood...
Did you know that flood coverage isn’t included in your homeowners’ insurance policy? Since the flood risk is very much real in Florida, you need a separate flood insurance policy to secure your belongings. The cost of flood insurance in Florida isn’t too expensive right now, but it may...